learn the rules
With its fast-paced action and unique rules, it offers a truly exhilarating experience for players of all skill levels. Whether you're a novice player or a seasoned veteran, this guide will equip you with the knowledge and expertise needed to navigate the field with confidence and precision.

Learn the 7 key rules of speedfutbol
Quick Starts
QUICK STARTS replace traditional throw-ins, free-kicks and corner kicks.
SK Quick Starts
SK QUICK STARTS replace traditional goal kicks, and restarts after a goal is scored.
With unlimited substitutions permitted, teams have the flexibility to adjust their lineup on the fly to maintain momentum and strategic advantage.
Teams can score 1 point goals and 2 point goals = High Press Goals. 2 point goals are awarded when all players are in the attacking half when goal is scored.
PK Shootout
PK SHOOTOUTS are awarded when the opposing team has too many players on the field, a defender heads the ball or commits a foul in the SK area, and/or when the game ends in a tie.
No Offsides
In SpeedFutbol, there are no offsides, allowing players to position themselves strategically without the risk of being penalized.
No Heading
If a player intentionally or unintentionally uses their head, the opposing team is awarded a QUICK START at the point of the header or awarded a PK SHOOTOUT if the header occurred in the defensive SK area by a defender.
quick starts
QUICK STARTS replace traditional throw-ins, free-kicks and corner kicks.
return to key rulesKick-In or Dribble-In
Players have the choice to either kick-in, or dribble-in from a QUICK START. The kick-in can be either a pass or shot.
No Running Start & Hand on Ball
Players taking the QUICK START must first place their hand on the ball (to ensure it has stopped), and then be within 1 yard of the ball before the kick-in or dribble-in.
Play Quickly
Once the referee has indicated the fast start must take place, the player removes their hand from the ball and has a maximum of 4 seconds to get the ball in play.
Direct Goal From Quick Start
A goal can be scored directly from a QUICK START.
Opposing Player Positioning
Opponents must be a minimum of 4 yards from the QUICK START.
sweeper keeper (SK) quick starts
SK QUICK STARTS replace traditional goal kicks, and restarts after a goal is scored.
return to key rulesBall in Hands
SK QUICK STARTS begin with the ball in the SKs hands, with no opposing players inside the SK area.
Dribble, Pass or Throw
The SK can initiate the SK QUICK STARTS by throwing, passing, or dribbling to a teammate or themselves.
Play Quickly
Once the referee has indicated the SK QUICK STARTS must take place, the SK has a maximum of 4 seconds to initiate play.
Ball in Play
One the SK releases the ball, it is considered in play and opposing players can enter the SK area. The SK cannot use their hands again unless the ball is touched by an opposing player.
substitutions - on the fly
Substitutions can be made at any time during the game (i.e., on the fly).
return to key rulesUnlimited Subs
The number of substitutions in a game are unlimited. Players can reenter the game an unlimited amount of times.
Subs on the Fly
A player coming off must exit through the team's designated entry/exit gate before a new player comes on through the same gate. If there are too many players on the field or no SK on the field (as determined by the referee), a PK SHOOTOUT will be awarded to opposing team.
Pinnies Must Be Worn
All subs who are off the field of play must wear a pinnie that does not colour clash with the referee, other players or SKs.
scoring goals
There are two types of goals that can be scored in SpeedFubol, regular and High Press (HP) goals.
return to key rules1-Point Goal
Regular goal scored during run of play.
2-point goal = High Press (HP) Goal
Occurs when all players (including the SK) on the scoring team are in the attacking half when the goal is scored.
Winning Team
Team with most points scored during the game or wins PK SHOOTOUT if the game is tied.
penalty (PK) shootouts
PK SHOOTOUTS are awarded when the opposing team has too many players on the field, a defender heads the ball or commits a free-kick in the SK area, and/or when the game ends in a tie.
return to key rulesBall At Centre
The player taking the PK SHOOTOUT must put the ball at the centre of the hallway line, by placing their hand on the ball to ensure it is stopped.
Positioning of Non-Takers
All other players must remain behind the half-way line until either a goal is scored, or the SK touches ball (i.e. save), or the ball goes out of bounds.
Four Seconds to Shoot
Once the referee indicates the PK SHOOTOUT must take place, the shooter has a maximum of 4 seconds, after releasing their hand from ball to dribble and shoot.
Goalkeeper Positioning
The goalkeeper must remain within the SK Area for the duration of the PK SHOOTOUT.
Game Restart after PK Shootout
The game continues after the PK SHOOTOUT has completed, assuming there is time left in the game. If the 4 second time expires before a shot is taken in the PK SHOOTOUT, an SK QUICK START is awarded.
Game Format - field setup and rosters
Unraveling game format and setup dynamics.
Field Set-Up
The smaller field size encourages quick transitions and close-quarters play, maximizing player involvement and excitement.
Team & Roster Sizes
Each team has 4 players on the field, including SK who is designated by a different colored jersey/pinnie. The roster size must meet the minimum of 6 players and not exceed the maximum of 8 players.
Entry/Exit Gates
Each team has a designated entry/exit gate located in front of their team bench. Teams remain at the same bench for the entirety of the game.
Tournament Format
Tournaments are typically composed of 16 teams. Who play a minimum of 5 games over 2.5 hours, including 3 group stage games, and 2 placement games. Each game is 15 minutes long.
Stand-Alone Games
For a stand-alone SpeedFutbol game, the game is divided into three 15 minute periods with a 5 minute break in between each.
SpeedFutbol recommends the use of a size-4 futsal ball and an 8x4 goal size for gameplay. Additionally, players must wear shin-pads.
wanting to learn more?
Click the link below to download a PDF of all SpeedFutbol rules.
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